
How To Install Stone Veneer Panels On Interior Wall

Updated for 2022!It'south been almost five years since I wrote this series about the faulty installation of manufactured stone veneers, and the havoc information technology is causing unsuspecting homeowners.  I decided it was time for some new data and so I've updated things with new images and information.

It's all the rage these days: Fake stone siding,manufactured stone veneer, stone veneer, cultured stone,or any y'all choose to phone call it.  I personally stick with the term, manufactured stone, or only stone veneer for curt.

The product is used as an emphasis on the front of a house (or it can be the whole siding in some cases).  With it, you can give your home that mountain cabin look, right here in bourgeoisie.

Manufactured Stone Veneer (orAdheredConcrete Masonry Veneer or Adhered Manufactured Stone Veneer, as it'southward technically known) is a thin, man-made siding made to expect like natural stones or rocks.

Information technology'southward basically molded concrete that looks like real stone.

Stone veneer is commonly installed over the woods framing on a home. Simply when installed incorrectly, information technology volition let water in next to your wood framing, trap it, and wreak havoc on the construction of the house.  And then far, I've still to see an install washed correctly in Louisville, Kentucky (or anywhere for that matter).


In 2022, I was called in by a homeowner here in Louisville, Kentucky, to look at his ii-year-old custom-built home.

The family had tried to hang curtain rods on the forepart wall, and they discovered that their drywall was likewise wet and mushy to hold a plastic wall anchor.

They had no inkling as to why things were wet.  I was able to track the problem downwardly to the manufactured stone veneer siding on the front of the business firm.

The builder had omitted all of the important flashing details with the install.

That day was the beginning of a two-year fight between the homeowner and his builder. During that unabridged period, his dining room was blocked off and unusable because of the all-encompassing wood rot and mold problems that came forth with it.

The consequence: Attorneys were hired and things got ugly. The builder somewhen repaired all of the water damage, stripped all of the manufactured rock off the domicile, and replaced it with real rock (they did non try to install manufactured stone again).

The concluding cost of the repair was close to $lxxx,000.00.

Wet intrusion experts have fabricated a connection betwixt manufactured stone veneer and traditional stucco (stucco homes in Louisville, Kentucky are very rare to find).

When problems arise from a botched install, a house with manufactured stone veneer shows the same moisture-related bug as a house with a botched stucco system.  H2o leaks behind the cladding and gets trapped.And so, the firm rots.

In fact, one of the brightest minds in the world of building science, Dr. Joseph Lstiburek refers tomanufactured rock veneer equally "lumpy stucco."  He has a keen article that you lot can read hither: Stucco Woes.

Most manufacturers ofASMV are members of theMasonry Veneer Manufacturers Clan orMVMA, who are at present under theNCMA (National Concrete Masonry Clan).  I know, enough with the acronyms already.

The MVMA puts out an installation guide that is considered the "end-all-be-all" of how-to installation guides when it comes to manufactured stone veneer siding.  When I am performing abode inspections in Louisville KY, I refer to that guide and its details to prove my clients how things should be done.

The trouble is that I have never seen a home that has manufactured rock installed every bit the guide says it should be.  Almost every particular is usually skipped–and nosotros all know that the devil is in the details. You can download the MVMA guide here.


I've had a number of domicile inspectors and homeowners write to me over the years and ask, "Is this manufactured stone?"  Allow'due south take a expect at the ways yous can decide if your cladding is manufactured stone.

Manufactured Stone Veneer Installs:

  • Have cutting edges on the stones.  Most MSV installs volition have at least a few stones that have been cutting to fit into the wall.  Look for those pieces.   Usually, you can see the modest pebbles in the casting from the manufacturing process.  Come across the image below where I wet the edge to have the pebbles prove upwardly more clearly.
  • Manufactured Stone Veneer will be stuck to the surface of the wall, hence the technical name of AMSV (Adhered Masonry Stone Veneer).  You should be able to come across the manufactured stone veneer pieces stop a few inches above the class (soil or mulch). The reality though, is that it hardly ever does.
  • Just about whatsoever building constructed in the past thirty years volition utilize manufactured stone as opposed to real rock.  It's just as well plush to use real stone or even real rock veneer.  At that place are some exceptions, but generally, this rule holds true.
How to identify manufactured stone veneer
Missing weep screed on stone veneer


A wise human in one case told me that water and women can be lumped into the same category: They both e'er win.

Never is that statement more true than when information technology comes to the manufactured stone installation on your home. Water will find a style in.

It will seep in around the cracks, and it will be absorbed into the mortar and chunks of concrete. Y'all didn't call up this stuff was waterproof, did you?  It's colored concrete. It absorbs the rainwater, the sprinkler water, melting snowfall–everything.

What nosotros must do equally construction professionals is pattern and build a wall system that tin control the water and non permit information technology reach the structural framing of the firm.The wet will become past the stone veneer; information technology's what happens adjacent that is vital to the integrity of your business firm.

Every type of siding (or cladding) needs to be able to drain the moisture that gets past it.

Have brick veneer for example.  Building codes have required a 1″ gap (brick manufacturers recommend a 2″ gap, by the way) between the sheathing on a firm and the behind of the brick.

When the h2o gets absorbed past the brick (No, brick veneer is not waterproof either), that gap is in place to brand sure the water doesn't soak the wood framing behind information technology. Information technology gives the moisture a path to escape at the base of the wall, via weep holes.

Take a look at the brick wall detail below, and you lot'll meet the drainage plane present.  The air gap is the green-colored area.  This allows the moisture a path to escape, and more importantly, a decoupling of the brick and forest and so that capillary action cannot describe the wet into the wood framing.

I wrote an article about a abode with a failed stone veneer and a failed brick weep system that acquired catastrophic impairment that you can read here (Failed Manufactured Stone and Brick Veneer on New Construction Habitation.)    If you would like to see what the inside of a brick wall cavity looks like, you can get a general idea with this video I shot of a brick veneer wall assembly. Video of Brick Veneer Wall Associates

Brick Veneer Air Gap


Manufactured stone veneer is typically installed on acme of the wood sheathing on a house. Information technology doesn't have an air gap since it's adhered or stuck to the wall, and is not resting on the foundation wall (like brick veneer).

If you desire a trouble-free install of manufactured stone, y'all must create a path for moisture to bleedand a place for it to escape at the base of operations of the walls, windows and doors.

If you practice not have a drainage point, the moisture will simply build upwardly and rot out the base of the structure.  I've never seen a home with an escape bespeak, (known every bit aweep screed) installed, and I await at new construction homes every calendar week.  The builders are but not installing it.

In the wall detail below I've highlighted the weep screed in red at the base of the wall.  This modest piece of flashing will allow whatever wet that has built upwardly behind the manufactured stone a place to drain and volition allow fresh air an entry point to dry out things out.

Manufactured stone veneer installation diagram


Retrospect is e'er xx/20, and now that the problems with manufactured stone are coming to light, we're getting smarter about it from an engineering standpoint. Unfortunately, the installation on homes is all the same all messed up.

If you actually read the whole MVMA install guide, (Y'all did read it, right?) you lot'll see that at the finish of the document there are alternative methods for edifice the manufactured stone veneer wall system.

These include adrainage mat or furring strips mounted to the sheathing of the wall.  By calculation these details, you will essentially create an air gap between the house and the concrete veneer. Sound familiar?  That air gap volition permit for moisture control and drainage to occur without the take a chance of the moisture soaking into the woods structure of the home.

"Is anyone doing this?" you ask.

They're non doing information technology here in Louisville, or anywhere else I've been to audit manufactured stone veneer installations.

It's probable going to take some really large lawsuits to get the ball rolling on correct installs.  The process requires more than planning, more than work, and careful execution to pull off.

Below is a detail for the utilize of a drainage mat used in place of the furring strips.  This method besides creates that needed air gap between the manufactured stone layer and the construction of the domicile.

Drainage Mat for stone veneer installation


If you lot have this fabric on your dwelling and have questions feel complimentary to contact me.

More than than likely, your habitation's manufactured stone veneer was poorly installed.

I detest to say it, only I've never inspected a business firm that had a proper install.  There are ways to take minimally invasive moisture readings from the inside and outside of the home to get a better idea of what type of harm may be occurring in your home.

If you'd like more information on this procedure, just give me a call and we tin can talk.  I have traveled extensively to help clients with manufactured stone bug, and then don't remember that simply considering you lot are non in the Louisville, KY area I can't help.

When big issues pop upwardly with a business firm, we can usually trace their origins back to a bunch of small details that add together upwardly to the electric current railroad train wreck.

That seems to be the reoccurring theme with the manufactured stone installations that I am seeing now.  When the home is missing all of the critical flashing details like cry screeds, kick-out flashing, and casement beads, how can one presume the assembly will perform OK?

Anyone who'southward ever spent fourth dimension on a job site knows the attitude of most construction workers today. Over the many years I've worked in the trades, i of the more than popular things to hear was,  "Looks good from my house," or "We ain't edifice a piano."

That'south a creative way of saying they only don't intendance.  They do not care if you accept problems later on on.  If it's 'good enough' to get things cleared, and if it'due south 'skillful plenty' to get them paid, allow it roll.


Ben in Forbes!

I had the award of being interviewed for an article in nigh my piece of work with manufactured stone veneer inspections.  Y'all can read that here.


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