How to share Private GitHub repository | Latest 2022 method

If you are an Individual software developer or working in a team, definitely, you have heard the proper name of Github.

Git is used to roll back the committed changes while software development. Github  is complete evolution and lawmaking management platform with some extra development features similar Git integration & community support.

It is used to store all projection files like code, text documentation files, images, gifs, and other project-related resource files. Information technology can be Public or Private.

People often face problems while Sharing Private repo. In this article, we will see How to share a Private GitHub  repository & also how to  add a collaborator to a private GitHub  repository.

How to create a Private Github Repository?

Here we'll be going to create a Private repository to add collaborators.

1. To create the Individual Repository, just select the Private pick while creating the Repository.

ii. Select New in the GitHub dashboard.

How to create & share a Private Github Repository

3. Now Provide the repository Proper name & Description. Now, select the Private option where Public is selected as default and proceed. Washed!

How to create & share a Private GitHub Repository

How to share a Individual GitHub Repository

We cannot directly share the files or Private Repository with someone.

one. First of all, Sign in and open the Repository that y'all want to share with others.

2. Share it with others by adding them to your collaborator list.

To add together a collaborator to the private GitHub repository, follow the below steps.

How to add a collaborator to a individual GitHub repository

1. Select the ⚙️Settings tab from your Private repository.

How to share Private GitHub repository

2. Now click on the Manage access option from the settings tab. ThenInvite a collaboratorbutton to add the person's Github name, Username, or Email address.

How to add a collaborator to a private GitHub repository

three. Github will send them an email containing the link to Take or Reject the collaborator request. If the person accepts information technology, he will get access to your Private Repo.

How to change the individual repository to public GitHub?

Irresolute the Private Repository to Public isn't a big deal! You lot just need to follow some simple steps which are as follows.

1. Open your Individual repository in GitHub and click on thesetting of the repo as shown in the picture.

How to change the private repository to public GitHub

2. At present scroll downward till you notice theDanger Zone section and select the Alter visibility to change Privat repository to Public.

How to change the private repository to public GitHub

iii. By using the same method y'all can toochange the Public repository to Private Repository.

My views on share a Private GitHub repository

To share the Private Github repository with anyone, equally I explained make a collaborator list and add the collaborators to information technology.

While creating the collaborators make certain that yous are giving access to people you know otherwise they can misuse your Individual files.

If you face whatsoever difficulties or have any questions & queries comment it downwardly.

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Who tin can encounter GitHub's Individual repository?

: No ane tin see your Github private repository. Only y'all tin see your Private repository. If yous added someone to the collaborator listing and then they can see admission your repo.

How do I admission a Private GitHub repository?

: You tin can access the Private repository & your files in the Private repo. Information technology's in the Dashboard of the GitHub page.

How do I share my GitHub repository?

: You can share your repository past calculation the collaborators to a repository. Or you tin can share the link of your Repository.